
Here you will find a list of all DERMATOLOGIA PRATI services and benefits. Scroll down to discover them all!


Here you will find a list of all DERMATOLOGIA PRATI services and benefits.

In adults and children.

We also deal with hair and scalp diseases.

Nails are also the object of our observation, diagnosing diseases affecting them and prescribing treatments to heal them.


It is our responsibility to diagnose venereal diseases or STIs.

We offer confidential consultations to identify the possible source of infection and implement all measures to preserve the partner and ensure rapid elimination of the infection.

Dermatological expertise for intimate well-being

We offer regular checkups to monitor response to treatment.


Monitoring moles and keratoses to recognize possible malignant transformation in time for healing is the specialty of our practice.
We use advanced technologies for dermoscopic analysis that allows us to map at-risk lesions.

Surgical excision and histological examination

Dermatologia Prati has a surgical room equipped to perform excision of suspicious lesions, which will be analyzed by our consultant dermopathologists for rapid and definitive diagnosis. Surgical diagnosis is critical in dermatology as the skin is a organ that offers itself to easy sampling to unequivocally establish the nature of the disorder.


Surgical activity complements medical activity for a quick and personalized solution.

We perform removal of moles, cysts, fibroids, skin biopsies to arrive at definite diagnoses, and offer electrosurgery for wart removal.

Any surgery is followed by dressing and removal of stitches.

The surgery performed uses local anaesthetic which makes the procedure quick and painless.


In our practice we perform aesthetic treatments on the face, for the outcomes of dermatological diseases or aging, which we treat as a real skin disease.

We perform:

  • Basic and combination peels;
  • Biorevitalizations of all areas of the face, neck, decolletage, hands;
  • Botulinum toxin implantation in the upper third of the face;
  • Implantation of facial traction threads wires in case of forward sliding of the middle third of the face;
  • Hyaluronic acid filler implant to correct superficial wrinkles (upper lip barcode, periocular wrinkles), mimic wrinkles (nasolabial), volumizing lips and cheekbones, correcting facial contours


In our practice we place special emphasis on cosmetic prescription, which is never random but is carefully selected according to the patient’s characteristics, lifestyle and skin problem.

Always with a view to personalization of diagnosis and treatment.